Monday, 19 March 2012

~~Flowers make me Crazy~~


Reminds me of Christmas Season

College Campus: Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Remix of Mao Traditional Attire

 Expressing Love through Music.

Joined a photography competition for North East Society Fest called "Euphony"
Showcasing the Mao traditional attire in modern way.
Model: Arin Khangrah, Ada Maheo, Kajikho.
Make up Artist and stylist : Limatula Nungshi Rye.
Photographer : A Teresa Obou.

First photography class Trip to Lodhi Garden(New Delhi)

The Blue flower.

Stairway to heaven.

Tree has different shapes and their shapes inspires me .

Caught in the act
Credit : Chongneo Haokip.

Hatneichonghoi A.k.a Chong.
Friendship is a precious gift that can’t be bought or sold. It’s value is greater than mountains made of gold. If you shall ask God for a gift be thankful if he sends not diamonds pearls or riches but the love and trust of friends. 

Flowers gives me the power to SHINE in whatever I do. 

Thank you Chong for the idea....

A special bench........

 "A Bird day out....."

Sisters in Christ.